
A brief outline of the action in each scene


ACT ONE              |                ACT TWO



Act II - Scene 1

     Leonardo's Studio      (Several months later)


The Mona Lisa is almost finished. Salai and Lisa are now lovers.
Salai has in fact made two portraits of Lisa, one is a nude  - the Monna Vanna


Leonardo, Salai and Lisa are just finishing a sitting.  Leonardo remarks that he is almost finished and Lisa probably won’t need to come  much more.


Salai protests and there is a disagreement. Lisa tells Leonardo that she doesn’t mind coming back for Salai to finish his painting.


Leonardo realises that they have fallen in love. While Lisa goes out to change he rebukes Salai. Lisa returns and Leonardo leaves them.


Salai tells Lisa what Leonardo has said, and they talk of their love and what the future holds.


Act II Scene 2 

     Inn       (Monday)


Aragona needs to get a message to Salai.  However, she is being followed by Bastiano


The Captain and some sailors are in. Aragona comes looking for Salai, who was to meet her there.


As Aragona enters, she is followed in by a hooded figure.


Seeing that Salai is not there, she speaks to Captain Donati, who is an old friend of her family. She asks him to tell Salai that she couldn’t wait. ‘Tell him my husband is returning unexpectedly at the weekend and I have much to do.’


She leaves and the hooded figure follows.


Act II - Scene 2A    

     Via De Bardi - Street  Outside Inn    (Continuous)


Bastiano shows his hand


Aragona becomes aware that she is followed. She shouts out... Who’s there? The man reveals his face. It is Bastiano.


Despite Totto’s warning, Bastiano threatens Aragona. He victoriously tells her that he knows all about her affair and will tell her husband on his return. ‘At the weekend you say...’


Aragona scornfully denies it but Bastiano assures her he has proof -  in the form of Totto Machiavelli.


Shocked and tearful at the mention of the Machiavelli name Aragona runs away. Suspecting that she might try something to escape her fate, Bastiano decides to get Totto to follow her.


Act II - Scene 3

     Leonardo's Studio      (Later that day)


Aragona panics and goes to tell Salai about Bastiano. She says they must run away together. Entering by the secret passage Totto hears all.
Then he discovers the truth about Salai and Lisa!


Salai is in the studio with Lisa when Aragona arrives. He hides Lisa – out of earshot!.


Aragona tells Salai about Bastiano's threats. Salai says that they will simply deny it. Aragona tells him of Bastiano's claim to have proof – courtesy of a Machiavelli!  Her husband is a jealous man whose honour and position would not allow him to ignore such an accusation.


She insists that they have no choice but to go away before the weekend or her husband will kill them both. She gives Salai the money to arrange it with the Captain. Salai thinks it's a crazy idea but to buy some time he agrees to do it. Totto, hiding in the secret passage, hears the plot.


When Aragona has gone, Lisa comes out of hiding. Totto, still listening, now discovers that Salai and Lisa are also lovers - and learns of the nude portrait! He leaves as Leonardo returns and Salai tells Lisa she must leave - by the secret passage.


Act II - Scene 3A 

      Via Laurentian - Street Outside Studio     (Continuous)


Totto blackmails Lisa


Totto waits for Lisa outside.


He tells her he has heard her with Salai and threatens to expose her affair  - unless she gives herself to him. She says she will never agree.

He tells her about Salai and Aragona, but she refuses to believe him.


Taking a leaf out of Bastiano's book he gives her a few days to think it over or he will tell Francesco.


In a song, she tearfully reflects on what she has done.


Act II - Scene 4

     Inn      (Tuesday morning)


Salai meets the Captain and asks him if he can arrange for him and Aragona to secretly leave Florence .


Salai explains the situation to the Captain, who, in loyalty to Aragona’s family, agrees to make the necessary arrangements to smuggle them out, leaving by boat on Friday night.


Act II - Scene 5

      Leonardo's Studio    (Later)


Salai seeks Leonardo’s help. Leonardo agrees to speak to the Machiavelli.

Later Lisa tells Salai of Totto’s threats.



Salai doesn’t know what to do about Aragona. He asks Leonardo for help. He tells Leonardo he has arranged with the Captain for them to leave the city on Friday, but can’t go through with it.


For the love of Salai Leonardo agrees to help, and tells him he knows someone who can solve the Bastiano problem – his good friend Niccolo Machiavelli.


Salai is relieved, but after Leonardo departs Lisa arrives and tells Salai about Totto's threat. He is horrified, more so knowing that Leonardo is conspiring with the Machiavelli to save him.


They discuss braving it out, but knowing Totto’s connections Salai convinces Lisa that their only hope is to leave. He decides he can use Aragona’s money to go away with Lisa. He tells her that he will arrange for them to sail on Thursday.


Act II - Scene 6       

      Via de Pepe      (Tuesday night /Wednesday a.m.)


Bastiano is murdered


The street is dark as Bastiano drunkenly makes his way home.

He delivers a soliloquy and song about his revenge.


We see shadowy figures.  Bastiano is set upon and stabbed to death.


Act II - Scene 7

      Inn       (Wednesday)


Salai makes the new arrangements with the Captain, but Totto finds out!



The news of the murder is on everyone’s lips.


Salai meets the Captain at the Inn and tells him that there is a change of plan. The Captain assumes it is because of Bastiano’s death and can’t understand when Salai seems not to have heard about it.

The Captain tells him of the murder. Salai is shocked and then reveals that the change  has nothing to do with Bastiano - and that he won’t be leaving with Aragona.


The Captain says he can easily make new arrangements, He will pick them up at the studio at six o’clock on Thursday, smuggle them on to the ship and they’ll sail that night.


Captain Donati tells his First Mate, Lazzaro, about the change and tells him to organise the crew.


Unfortunately Lazzaro is one of Totto’s informants! He meets Totto outside and tells him about the change of day. Totto wonders why they still need to run away - unless...!  He realises that Salai must now be planning to leave with Lisa.


Act II - Scene 8 

      Studio   (Later)


Leonardo learns about Bastiano,  and of Totto’s intentions



Salai tells Leonardo about Bastiano’s death. Leonardo is appalled at the violence, then realises that Salai won’t have to leave after all.


Leonardo's joy is cut short. Salai has to tell him about the new threat from Totto, and confesses that he is still leaving, but with Lisa. Leonardo is in despair, and blames himself for everything.


Act II - Scene 9

      Via Laura Pinti     (Thursday)  


Totto plans revenge



Totto, realising that it is Salai and Lisa who are going to run away, seeks out Aragona.
Angrily he tells her, but she refuses to believe. Totto asks her that now Bastiano is dead why has Salai rearranged to sail tonight?


She says he is lying. He says she should go and ask the Captain, and tells her of the six o’clock meeting at Leonardo's Studio.


‘The lovers are in for a surprise. I’ll be there and so will Francesco Giacondo!’, he says.


Totto leaves.  Aragona sings of love and doubt.


Act II - Scene 10    

      Leonardo's Studio    (Thursday 6pm)


The Conclusion


At the appointed hour, Totto is hiding in the secret passage.


Leonardo, Salai and Lisa are there waiting for the Captain


Francesco arrives!  He received an unsigned note. He is distraught, and seeing Lisa and Salai he accuses them. Shocked, Leonardo pretends that  Lisa  was there to see seek his help.

Lisa tells Francesco that Totto has threatened to ruin her life because she refused him, and the note would be from him.

Totto comes out and says it isn’t true – Salai and Lisa are lovers, and they are planning to leave tonight.

Francesco threatens him. What proof? Totto says he will give him proof. He tells Francesco that there is a nude portrait of Lisa. Francesco goes for Totto.

At that moment Aragona enters with the Captain. Totto says ‘Ask her!’.


Aragona by now knows the truth and approaches Lisa. Lisa goes down on her knees and pleads on her mother's life, holding the Cornicello pendant on her necklace

As she starts to speak, Aragona sees the Cornicello and asks where she got it.
Lisa explains and Aragona realises she is Lucrezia's daughter. She remembers the promise she made to her mother that she would one day repay Lisa's family.


She decides to save Lisa. She tells Francesco that it is her that Salai is going away with. The loyal Captain confirms the story.


Totto draws a knife and, yelling betrayal, grabs Aragona.

Francesco draws his sword but Totto stabs Aragona and escapes down the secret passage.


Francesco apologises to Lisa for doubting her. He and the Captain go after Totto to raise the militia.

Lisa cradles Aragona as she dies.


Leonardo vows he will work on picture no more – it will never be delivered. He tells Salai and Lisa they must part and stay apart. They sing a final duet as the scene ends


Act II - Epilogue

      Salai’s home     (Milan  1524)


Salai has been wounded by a crossbow in a duel, and is dying. He reflects on his life



Salai is alone surrounded by his and Leonardo's paintings. He gazes on the Mona Lisa and the Monna Vanna and reflects on his lost loves and the futility of his life in a final song.


He dies.