ACT ONE              |                ACT TWO

The Script

ACT Two  -  Scene Six

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Street  3

Tuesday night /Wednesday am


Bastiano is on his way home, drunk and angry. He rants at the moon about getting his revenge. A figure emerges from the shadows and Bastiano is murdered




(BASTIANO enters- he has been drinking)





Ah! The moon is full. What monsters will walk tonight I wonder. What tears will be shed, before the sun returns to deal with the evil that takes refuge in this silvery darkness.  Monsters? Ha! ...and what monster is it that devours me?

Self pity?  No.. I have no time for pity. For myself or anyone else. That’s a drug that once swallowed no stomach can hold on to.  Anger?  Perhaps, but have I not every right to be angry? For all those wasted years? For the life I have lost? But then again anger is a beast I can easily tame.


And what of revenge?  Oh yes, revenge.  I freely confess to that crime, and revenge I shall have. I can point the finger at many who played their part in that terrible injustice, but there is only one who cleft the wound that will not heal.

And yet... and yet, sometimes I wish that it would. For does not the vengeful monster that seeks to destroy her, also destroy me...? Perhaps it’s too late. The Florence I knew has gone, and no red-eyed fiend will bring it back. Oh that it were within my power to see it once more...



         #23  CHANGED                              Bastiano                         PLAY MUSIC            



Oh silent moon. Speak to me. Why are you so still? Have you no feeling, No compassion. No....



( CLOAKED AND HOODED FIGURES emerge from the shadows)

Who goes there? Show yourself!


(We see silhouettes struggling as BASTIANO is stabbed)




         #24   DIO MIO (Instrumental Reprise)       Orchestra                    PLAY MUSIC